A Voice for



We strive to design better and access better design.

Opening a greater world of design options and possibilities

ArchiMAT provides a portal to present your innovative solutions to a vibrant community of home owners, designers and industry professionals.

Pioneering Web 3.0 Technology

Experience a new way of browsing and managing a business with the cutting-edge advancements that Web 3.0 brings to the world of design. Features like visualisation tools with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality and smart contracts invites you to connect with a new world.

Ownership of digital assets and resources / Full control over your digital assets and resources

Gone are the days you will need to rely on outdated, fragmented systems or worry about the loss of important project files. With Web 3.0 technology, ArchiMAT allows you to securely store, manage, and access your digital assets, such as design plans, material specifications, and project documentation, all in one centralised and user-friendly platform. You have the freedom to organise, update, and share (or not!) your digital resources effortlessly, ensuring a streamlined journey from start to finish.

Interested Web 3.0

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Frequently Asked Questions

Discover thousands of Architectural Building related product or services available in listing directory.

Inspire by Material of the day (#MOTD), with the latest recommendation trends, product tag and AR visualization at anytime, anywhere.

Fasten your decision by choosing the right material with our vCatelogue – Selections of materials now made easy for designer or consumers to use for better visualization and comparison now.
After much research and experience, its time for you to look for the right merchants to assist you with your existing projects.

Get in touch for any inquiry, our team will contact you soonest.