Early Adopters Wins The Market

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Product Visualisation Tools

Say hello to augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), which our platform leverages to better visualise how different materials will look in their projects. It’s like stepping into a whole new dimension where you can make informed decisions with immersive and realistic experience like never before.

Smart Contracts

Self-executing contracts, powered by blockchain technology, ensures secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries. They are time and cost-efficient in comparison to traditional contract management. The tamper-proof nature of blockchain technology provides strong protection while also facilitating cross-border transactions, opening new opportunities for business owners and customers alike.

Enhanced Ownership Over Digital Assets

Gone are the days you will need to rely on outdated, fragmented systems or worry about the loss of important project files. With Web 3.0 technology, ArchiMAT allows you to securely store, manage, and access your digital assets, such as design plans, material specifications, and project documentation, all in one centralised and user-friendly platform. You have the freedom to organise, update, and share (or not!) your digital resources effortlessly, ensuring a streamlined journey from start to finish.

Interested Web 3.0

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Augmented Reality

Our platform leverages augmented reality (AR) technology to provide an immersive and interactive experience to visualise materials in context and if they align with your design vision before making a purchase.

Virtual Showroom

Make full use of the convenience and visually engaging experience that comes with our Virtual Showrooms which enables you to browse through different materials, compare options, and envision how products will enhance your space.

Frequently Asked Questions

Web 3.0 technology is the next generation of the World Wide Web. The main objective is to make the digital environment accessible, with data automatically filtered to be tailored to the user’s goals and needs. Examples of Web 3.0 concepts include Apple’s Siri, the intelligent assistant on the iPhone.

Experiences operating on Web 2.0 are flat and two-dimensional while Web 3.0 allows for the creation of 3D virtual reality spaces with life-like spatial UX design. The merging of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and in some cases Extended Reality technology provides more immersive experiences online.

ArchiMAT incorporates Web 3.0 technology to create an innovative platform for homeowners, architects, designers, and suppliers in the architectural industry.

It leverages advanced technologies like Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), smart contracts, and decentralized systems to enhance the visualisation of architectural materials, facilitate secure and transparent transactions, promote collaboration, and provide users with greater control over their data and privacy. ArchiMAT uses Web 3.0 technology to redefine the way architectural projects are envisioned, designed, and executed.

Does the Web 3.0 Technology used by ArchiMAT include cryptocurrency and NFTs?
While cryptocurrency and NFTs are part of Web 3.0 technology, ArchiMAT does not include the use of these features on the platform.

Fasten your decision by choosing the right material with our vCatelogue – Selections of materials now made easy for designer or consumers to use for better visualization and comparison now.
After much research and experience, its time for you to look for the right merchants to assist you with your existing projects.

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